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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Life's like hills...

When you were in kindergarten, did you learn how to draw? Well, the drawings are typical... A piece of really wide land, a round smiley sun, a few V-shaped-line birds, and... HILLS...

Well, life's like hills I mean... lines of those hills are drawn up and down, up and down repetitively. Life is full of ups and downs. At times you feel like you're making so much progress in certain things, finally going to achieve something really meaningful and after that a gradual slope downwards and here comes disappointment. And most of the times we tend to look back more to our sad times rather than our happy times.

You can't blame yourself, you can't blame the life's nature to be like that, you can't blame God... basically you can't blame anyone or anything... because it's no one's fault. It nature. It happens to each and every living person in this world.

But remember this... in that very drawing, there is always a sun = new hopes everyday, a flock of birds = a groups of friends and family to accompany you along the way, a shade of clouds = a place or time for you to rest and relax, green trees = a reminder that you should just live the life thankfully ^^

Monday 12 March 2012


What was the first thing that came across your mind when you see the word "opposite"? Opposite attracts? Opposite worlds?

Guys and girls, may I remind you that the first (opposite attracts) leads you to one of the world's valuable time of your life by getting into a relationship while the latter (opposite worlds) leads you to one of the world's most devastating ending in you life. The so-called excuse that boy and girl from different worlds and then break up. Isn't it amazing how just the change of one word can bring such drastic changes?

Opposite are interesting. Its things that are not usually found, you can't see it in yourself. You have to look around and this is what makes life fun living. For couples, appreciate the opposites. If you got a problem with it, solve it. It's not like you're going to be to find anyone who is exactly like you. Take advantage of the opposites. Turn them into glues of your relationship instead of an axe. Take the challenge, live the life. You might find it worth your risks.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Sometimes in life, there a few things that you cannot avoid. No matter how much you think about it or how many alternative ways you form to go around, these things won't go away. You might say that it got stuck there.

Many of us make plans. Plans for the future. Plans to go hang out, plans for dates, plans for dinners, plans for farewell parties, plans for weddings.

BUT somehow, something just had to pop up and show up in the middle of everything, making all your plans go to the recycle bin. Well, it could end up in a recycle bin because you may only need to postpone your plans but most of them you have to delete it permanently because you don't have the drive to go ahead with them anymore.

Of course you have to weigh the IMPORTANCE of your plans with that pop-up stuffs first, then only make decisions. You see, certain things are inevitable... which mean you have to accept them as they come. Being frustrated over it brings no benefit at all. Deal with it.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Imagine a world. One of your own. One you can throw in all your imaginations in. Arrange everything as you like. Put all the bright-coloured puzzle pieces into the picture and throw aside all the dark, black pieces.

Paint those holes with your own colour. It need not be perfect. It need not be beautiful. It just need to be completed with your favourites =) happy ?

*blink blink* Your up. Awake and away from your fiction world. Then you realise you need to get back to the real world. Sorry to break the news that you have to get on with your life then... Well, don't try to go for the unreachable. Stay close to the ground. Hold thoughts of the possibles in your mind. Take a look around you carefully. You don't want to miss an interesting event or maybe an interesting person. Thank God for whatever you have and I guess you have to pray hard if you want more. Remember... the fiction world will lead you to no where else but further from life. From reality. 

Friday 2 March 2012

Daring moves...

When it comes to big decisions, sudden change of situation, or to make daring moves, we will always stop and ponder for a while. Some of us may take a few days to consider the pros and cons of making a certain choice, some may take weeks or months, however, there are some of us that would take forever to wonder the possibilities but never take any action. 

At some point of your lives, big decisions determine the turning point of your lives. Either one of the choices you've made will lead you down a great and adventurous journey OR it may bring you down, all the down to misery, regret and guilt. They say when it comes to times like this, turn to professionals or experienced people. They say go with the flow... bla bla bla~~~ I say sit down, pray to God, be silent a while to rest your mind and then listen to your heart.. The first thought that comes into your mind, go with it. Don't hesitate or wonder any longer. 

Once you've made that first step, never ever look back. Trust yourself and have confidence in your choice. If you do not do so, you might feel only regrets.